Friends of STEAMspark
Friends of STEAMspark (FOSS) is a federally tax-exempt 501(c)(3) entity. It functions as the Parent-Teacher Association for STEAMspark Montessori Experience of Farmers Branch. FOSS is dedicated to enhancing our school, bolstering student education, and assisting in the development of community.
Vision Statement:
The “Friends of STEAMspark Montessori Experience – Mercer Crossing” promotes a collaborative partnership with the STEAMspark community for the benefit, educational growth, and development of each student.
Mission Statement:
The” Friends of STEAMspark Montessori Experience – Mercer Crossing” is a partnership between parents, administrators, and teachers dedicated to improving and enriching the educational experience for every current and future student of STEAMspark Montessori Experience.
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